My Learning

Over this semester I have learned and relearned a great deal about managing a blog. Technology has never been my strength but having time to practice using this site and working through challenges on my own has shown me how capable I actually am. I am excited about the progress I have made with this site and the new updates I have made as I think they reflect my progress through this program. These new additions showcase my learning this semester and how I have grown as both a learner and an educator through my inquiry. In particular this site has taught me the importance of professional image and how maintaining this image takes dedicated consistency. At the start of this goal I connected my inquiry to the UVic teacher competency of Exploring Professionalism, and working on this site gave me the chance to do exactly that. Making updates to my profile and posting about this inquiry has helped me understand the importance of professional consistency, a practice which I plan to continue to employ as I progress in my teaching career. These lessons in professional image and consistency will guide me into my future and I am looking forward to continuing to grow as this program continues.