For my peer review I chose Drawing by Sullo Liu, Zhenyu Wang and Junfeng Song

As an artist myself I was really excited to explore this resource and see how it approached teaching art. The first thing I noticed right off the bat was the bright colours and images used in the power point presentation, which got my attention and immediately told me what I would be learning about. My one critique of the overall look of the slides would be that at times your information is written overtop of images making it a bit hard to read.


When reading your title, I assumed that your resource would focus on drawing, however when I read your course overview it said the focus was on painting. In looking through your content I see it does focus on drawing, so I found it rather confusing that the opening sentence of your overview states that your resource is about painting. When creating resources, it is very important that your learner knows exactly what they are learning about and that you are consistent in your explanation of what you are teaching. Your overview creates confusion and I would encourage you to read it over and make sure it is consistent with what you are teaching.

Instruction Method

Reading through this resource I really appreciated how your teaching build off previous lessons. Your method of instruction is consistent, and you give plenty of opportunities for learners to practice their art. Chances for practice are some of the most important parts of teaching art so these sections in your lesson are very valuable.


Assessment wise I enjoy your use of quizzes to test learner’s progress as they are a great way to check that learners are taking in information and that your resource is conveying the information you designed it to. I do however have some concerns about the wording of your grading scale and what entails each of your grades. In your overview of assessment plan in subsection 3 you say that “if a learner submits all of the three quizzes and he or she submits two good drawings and used each material reasonably” you will give them an A grade. My concern is with the use of the term good drawings and the fact that this is the only letter grade where you mention submitting drawings. The term good when applied to art is one that is subjective and very much relies on the opinion of the person judging the work. My concern with you using this term in grading is that it gives the impression that you are not looking for students to learn something new and develop their art skills, but instead create something that falls into your ideas of what “good” art is. I personally would as that your requirements for your B grade level are more aligned with an A grade. The term fully mastered is used in reference to a B grade, how could a student go beyond fully mastering? My advice to you would be to make sure that your requirements are consistent because when giving grading criteria, the things you require at each stage should be building off each other and it should be clear how learners can grow from one level to the next.

Overall review

Overall, this is a really cool concept, and I can tell how much time you put into your planning to develop your learners’ skills. With some refining this could become a great unit to help aspiring artists hone their talents and become successful in their craft.