My Learning Progress

This goal has been one that has proved a challenge for me. I have been struggling with is as it has been so long since I have been in the classroom and reading about how to carry yourself is a lot harder than actually trying it out. Classroom presence is something I think should be learned through trial in the classroom so having to work on this goal in my room by myself is more difficult than I imagined. Along with reading, the research I have done has mostly centered around looking at videos and lectures on classroom presence. I have found some of them helpful, but others have not been very relevant to what I am trying to focus on which is frustrating realization after thinking I have found a great resource. My next step is to try and reach out to some teachers for advice on creating a strong presence in the classroom as they have the most expertise in the area. Overall, I am still trying to find the best way to document my learning process. This journey is about personal growth and I am not sure the best way to showcase personal growth, but I am brainstorming different ideas and I am confident I will find an effective way to showcase my learning.