Since my finger has healed I have spent a lot of time working on Gloria by the Lumineers.  I spent of good portion of this past weekend practicing and I have been really enjoying it.  Strumming and singing together is something I have always struggled with and while I did struggle a bit at first, I have caught on a lot faster than I did with previous songs.  I don’t know what it is about this song but I have found it more natural playing and singing Gloria than other songs I have played.  Since I having been making a lot of progress I have started trying out different rhythms to play in between and at the end of versus to make the song sound more interesting.  The one part of this song that I am struggling with is the F chord as my fingers are not very long so reaching the bar is sometimes difficult.  Of course this just requires more practice to get more comfortable with playing the bar so hopefully with a little more practice it will get easier.

I still have roughly four weeks left in this assignment so my plan is that if I can play Gloria with ease by next week I will start to learn Waterfall by With Confidence.   I really enjoy pop-punk music and this song is by an Australian pop-punk band With Confidence whom I really like.  This song has a picking pattern during the first part of the song so it will work on different skills than the previous two songs I have learned.