I really enjoyed your analysis of story telling and how you connected your learning throughout life to the reading.  It is easy for most people to recall a powerful moment of storytelling from childhood, so I particularly appreciated your reflection on how the use of storytelling has impacted your learning at the university level.  The class you took on prosocial behavior sounds remarkably interesting and from your description of it there seem to be many valuable lessons we as educators can take from it.

I also really enjoyed the visual you chose to include in your blog.  Not only was it aesthetically appealing, it also gave important information that really expanded on your points.  The information was not a reiteration of what you had already said but instead provided a more scientific approach on how effective storytelling can be.

I wonder why, given all the research that has been done, why more teachers are not incorporating more storytelling into their classes.  Hopefully, we as the next generation of teachers can utilize the great tool that storytelling is.