This week in class we had more presentations and as always it was lovely to see what the other students in my cohort had learned about this semester. Seeing the final product of one of my classmates coding projects was very cool as I had seen her develop parts of it early in the semester so I was excited to see the final project.
We also spent some time working with virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). This was something I had a little bit of experience with but not to the degree that we were able to experience today. I got the opportunity to use the VR headset and fly around the world to locations like New York City and Venice Italy. Despite the fact it made me nauseous I really enjoyed the experience and the idea of using this technology for virtual field trips is very cool. I next got to try AR which I found was much better for my motion sickness. Using this tool in the classroom is not only a lot of fun but also makes learning interactive and engaging. As a teacher you could add codes to parts of the classroom such as books or poster that students are already very familiar with to deepen their understanding of the topics these resources cover. Overall I loved having the opportunity to try out these technologies that I normally do not use in my day to day life.